Kawes Omer Zangana
Hawler Medical University
He is a professor at Hawler Medical University. Deptartment: Pediatrics Education: MBChB, college of medicine, Hawler Medical University, 1999 FICMS, Iraqi board for medical specializations, 2008 High Diploma, college of medicine, baghdad university, 2015 Teaching: Neonatology, infectious diseases , pediatric nephrology
Research Interest
General Paediatrics Pediatric Endocrinology
Kawes Omer zangana, "Risk factors and percentage of neural tube defects in neonates admitted to neonatal care unit in raparin pediatric teaching hospital", IJCM, 2013.
Kawes Omer zangana, Abdulla F. Ahmad, "Predictors and frequency of convulsions in nwonates with neonatal hypoglycemia", IJCm, 2013.
Kawes O. Zangana,, "Post neonatal mortality in children welfare teaching hospital", IPJ, 2016.