Plant Sciences

Plant Sciences Experts

Kawthar Ibrahim Al-harmni

Anatomy and Histology, Anatomy
Hawler Medical University


Assist Professor Deptartment: Anatomy and Histology, Anatomy Education: BSc, Education college Salahaddin Univ., 1985 MSc, Education college Salahaddin Univ., 1989 PhD, Science college Mosul Univ., 2009

Research Interest

- parasitology


  • 3. Kawthar I. AL– Harmni, Hussain I. AL-Khan& Zohair I. Fattohy, "Effect of Aqueous Extract of Melia azedarach on the some Biochemical parameters in the Liver Extract of Infected Mice by Leishmania donovani. ", Diyala Journal of Medicine , 2011.

  • .2. Kawthar I. AL- Harmni., "An experimental Trial of Vaccination Hamsters Against Leishmania donovani Using Attenuated Subcultures.", Rafidayin Science J. , 2011.

  • 1. Kawthar I. F. AL– Harmni, Zohair I. F. Rahemo &.Hussain I. AL-Khan., "The effect of two fruit extracts and drugs on the liver of albino mice with induced leishmaniasis.", Trends in Parasitology Research.International Journal , 2012.

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