Said Mustafa Aljaaf
Surgery, General Surgery
Hawler Medical University
He is a professor at Hawler Medical University. Education: MBChB, Baghdad University /Medical College , 1983 FICMS, Baghdad, 1992 High Diploma, Baghdad University /Medical College , 1993 Teaching: Hawlwe Medical College/ Teaching Staff, FICMS Teaching Staff and supervisor, KBMS Teaching staff and Supervisor, High Dilpoma And MsC of HMU Teaching staff and Suervisor
Research Interest
Surgery, ENT
SAID M. SAID, "• Effect of trans-septal suture technique Vs Nasal packing after Septoplasty", international journal oftechnical researches and applicationse e-ISSN:2320-8163, 2015.
SAID M. SAID et. al, "• Prophylactic Vs postoperative antibiotics in Septoplasty", Zanco journal of medical Sciences , 2016.
SAID M. SAID, "• The effect of adenoid size on tympanometric finding in children ", Zanco journal of medical Sciences , 2016.