Medical Sciences

Medical Sciences Experts

Fouad Shareef Aljanbi

Assistant Professor
General Medicine
University of Kufa


Bachalore of medicine and surgery, Kufa college of medicine, 1985. • Master degree of medical physiology. Al-Mustansiriya college of medicine, 1993. • Diploma in dermatology, college of medicine, 1998. • Doctor of philosophy in medical haematology, college of medicine, Kufa university, 2011 Research interests : • Physiology of infertility and respiration. • Effect of Vitamin C on cellular activity and it's effect on iron concentration in the blood. Teaching interests : • Lecturer in medical physiology particularly in endocrine and blood physiology. • Active sharing in training of medical students during their attendance in partical physiology lab. • Lecturer for the physiology lectures in the module medical system.

Research Interest

General Medicine

Global Experts from Iraq

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