
Dentistry Experts

Kisma Hachim Al-niami

General Dentistry
University of Kufa


M. Sc and ph.D from Baghdad University and University of Hull (United Kingdom) in photochemistry Reactions and Catalysis. Assist lecturer at the University of Baghdad 1978, lecturer 1988, Assist. professor 1994, and associate professor 2006. Supervision: 6 students M. Sc and 1 student ph.D Research interest: 1-Photochemistry reactions 2-Bio-physical studies of some enzyme 3- Kinetics studies of the terminated reactions 4- Adsorption studies for treatment of factory water Teaching interests: 1- photochemistry 2-Catalysis 3-Thermodynamic 4- Kinetics of reactions

Research Interest

photochemistry, Catalysis, Thermodynamic, Kinetics of reactions


  • Noori YS, Kisma HA (1999) Kinetics of oxidation of threonine by N- bromo-succiniamide. Ibn Al-haitham J for pure and applied sci, 10:2, 75.

  • Noori YS,Kisma HA (2000) Kinetics of oxidation of Oxalic and Malonic acids N- chloro-succiniamide in alkaline medium. Iraqi J sci 41: 4, 170.

  • Noori YS, Kisma HA, Ashoor EM (2006) Adsorption study of Aldehydes compounds on surface of charcoal retum from their equoes solution. Zuletin J pure and applied sci 8:7 42.

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