
Social & Political Sciences Experts

Ciaran Dunne

School of Applied Language and Intercultural Studies
Dublin City University


Ciarán holds an undergraduate degree in International Marketing and Languages (Spanish & German). After working as a Commercial Advisor in Spain for several years he returned to Ireland to work in the telecommunications industry before completing a MA in Intercultural Studies in DCU. Following this he completed a PhD on intercultural relations between within the context of the internationalisation of higher education. His PhD was awarded an honorable mention by the International Association of Intercultural Research in 2009 and he contributed to the development of Ireland's International Education Strategy 2010-2015. He currently delivers a variety of modules across several disciplines. These include Spanish Language, Social Identities, Intercultural Communication and Social Marketing. He is also actively researching in the field of Creativity Studies and Social Entrepreneurship and he is a Faculty Advisor to the DCU Enactus society. He has also been Chairperson of the MA in Intercultural Studies and the Graduate Diploma in Applied Language and Intercultural Studies, and publishes research across a variety of disciplines, including Intercultural Studies, Creativity Studies, Qualitative Research Methodology, and International Education.

Research Interest

Intercultural Studies, Creativity Studies, Qualitative Research Methodology, and International Education.


  • 'A Literature Review in Grounded Theory' Thornberg, R. & Dunne, C. (2017) 'A Literature Review in Grounded Theory' In: Tony Bryant & Kathy Charmaz (eds). The SAGE Handbook of Grounded Theory. London: SAGE

  • Diverse Voices: Listening to International Students. ICOS (2015) Diverse Voices: Listening to International Students. Ireland: ICOS

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