
Engineering Experts

Adi Botea 

Ireland Research Lab
IBM Research


Research staff member at IBM Research, Dublin since January 2012. Previously a (senior) researcher at NICTA, Australia, mirrored with similar-level adjunct positions at the Australian National University. Research interests include artificial intelligence areas such as planning, heuristic search and path finding. Transportation problems are a main application domain. Authored more than 50 peer-reviewed publications, and a few patent applications. Best paper award in the International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling, ICAPS 2009. Awarded in the International Grid-based Path Planning Competition GPPC 2012. Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research JAIR. PC and Senior PC in top-tier conferences in artificial intelligence. Research staff member at IBM Research, Dublin since January 2012. Previously a (senior) researcher at NICTA, Australia, mirrored with similar-level adjunct positions at the Australian National University. Research interests include artificial intelligence areas such as planning, heuristic search and path finding. Transportation problems are a main application domain. Authored more than 50 peer-reviewed publications, and a few patent applications. Best paper award in the International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling, ICAPS 2009. Awarded in the International Grid-based Path Planning Competition GPPC 2012. Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research JAIR. PC and Senior PC in top-tier conferences in artificial intelligence.

Research Interest

artificial intelligence areas such as planning, heuristic search and path finding

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