Dr Anthony Malone
Maynooth University
Anthony joined the Department in October 2007. He was a teacher of English, History and CSPE for many years until he was seconded to the Teaching and Learning for the 21st Century project as Research and Development Officer. More recently he was employed as Deputy Principal in a post primary school. Anthony has served as Course Leader for both the Postgraduate Diploma in Educational Leadership (2007-2009) and the Professional Diploma in Education (2009-2011). He is currently Course Leader for both the Masters in Education and the Masters in Education (School Leadership) programmes. He teaches across a range of programmes including the Professional Diploma in Education, the Masters in Education, the Masters in Education (School Leadership), the Postgraduate Diploma (Educational Leadership) and the Postgraduate Diploma in Educational Management, the Postgraduate Diploma in School Guidance and Counselling and also the Structured PhD programme. Anthony is tutor to students on the PDE and the PGD (EL) and has supervised many theses across a range of disciplines. Anthony is an active member of EERA (European Educational Research Association) and ESAI (Educational Studies Association of Ireland) and has presented at numerous peer reviewed national and international conferences (Austria, England, Germany, Scotland, Sweden). Anthony works actively with second level schools across Ireland presenting staff days and engaging in follow up sessions. He is currently very actively involved with Dr. Padráig Hogan, in leading the TL21 Transfer Initiative. He has in the past acted as academic advisor to the Postgraduate Diploma in Higher Education. He also acts as an education adviser to the “Developing a Learning Community of Teachers” project coordinated by Kilkenny Education Centre and is an active board member overseeing the establishment of second level Educate Together schools.
Research Interest