
Molecular Biology Experts

Conor Meade

Department of Biology
National University of Maynooth


I'm interested in population-level genetic variation in non-model organisms, including the development of new methods for detecting genetic variation (such as High Resolution Melting Analysis), and analysis of population genetic structures at all ecological scales. This has included gene-flow modelling in crop plants and their wild relatives, population genetics of entomopathogenic nematodes and fungi, and phylogeographic analysis of tropical and arctic-alpine plants.

Research Interest

Plant collecting spread and densities: their potential impact on biogeographical studies in Thailand, Employing a composite gene flow index to numerically quantify a crops potential for gene flow.


  • Flannery, M., C. Meade and E. Mullins. (2005) 'Employing a composite gene flow index to numerically quantify a crops potential for gene flow: An Irish Perspective. '. Environmental Biosafety Research, 4 :29-43

  • Petti, C., Meade, C., Downes, M. and Mullins, E. (2007) 'Facilitating co-existence by tracking gene-dispersal in conventional potato systems with microsatellite markers'. Environmental Biosafety Research, 18 :1-13

  • Dillon, A.B., C. Meade, A. Rolston, M.J. Downes and C.T. Griffin (2008) 'Establishment, persistence and introgression of exotic entomopathogenic nematodes in a forest ecosystem –mesocosm and post release field studies'. ECOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS, 18 :735-747

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