Geralyn Hynes
School of Nursing & Midwifery
Trinity College Dublin
Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau (STT) 2004 Clinical Nursing & Midwifery Research Fellow HRB
Research Interest
Acute care nursing; Asthma, Cystic Fibrosis, obstructive airways, interstitial lung diseases, pulmonary fibrosis; Health outcomes; Palliative care nursing; Provision and utilisation of health care needs; Research issues specifice to any health profession
Hynes, G., Kavanagh, F., Hogan, C., Ryan, K., Rogers, L., Brosnan, J., Coghlan, D., Understanding the challenges of palliative care in everyday clinical practice: an example from a COPD action research project, Nursing Inquiry, 2, (3), 2015, p249 - 260
The World of the Scholar Practitioner and Practical Knowing: David Coghlan in, editor(s)D. B. Szabla, W. A. Pasmore, M. A. Barnes and A. N. Gipson , The Palgrave Handbook of Organizational Change Thinkers , New York USA, Springer International Publishing, 2017, pp297 - 314, [Hynes, Geralyn]
Bildung, David Coghlan & Mary Brydon-Miller, The Sage Encyclopedia of Action Research, 1, London, Sage, 2014, pp78 - 80, [Hynes, G]