
Social & Political Sciences Experts

Peter Muhlau

Assistant Professor
Trinity College Dublin


Peter Mühlau is Assistant Professor at the Department of Sociology. His research and teaching interest are in the fields of the sociology of work and employment, the sociology of migration, social stratification and quantitative research methods. His current work focuses on the economic and socio-cultural integration of immigrants, gender inequality in work and employment, socio-economic and socio-cultural change in Ireland and survey methodology. He is leader of the Irish team in the European collaborative project 'Causes and Consequences of Early Socio-Cultural Integration Processes among New Immigrants in Europe' (SCIP).

Research Interest

Sociological Association of Ireland


  • The Digital Home: a New Locus of Social Science Research in, editor(s)Sharlene Nagy Hesse-Biber , Handbook of Emerging Technologies in Social Research, Oxford University Press, 2011, pp647 - 666, [Anne Holohan, Jeanette Chin, Vic Callaghan, Peter Muhlau]

  • Antje Röder, Peter Mühlau, Discrimination, exclusion and immigrants confidence in public institutions in Europe, European Societies, 13, (4), 2011, p535 - 567

  • Antje Röder, Peter Mühlau, Low expectations or different evaluations - What explains immigrants high levels of trust in host country institutions?, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 39, (5), 2012, p770 - 792

  • Röder, A. and Mühlau, P., Trust of immigrants in criminal justice institutions in Europe: The role of discrimination and expectations, European Journal of Criminology, 9, (4), 2012, p370 - 387

  • Röder, A. and Mühlau, P, Are they acculturating? Europes immigrants and gender egalitarianism, Social Forces, 92, (3), 2014, p899 - 928

  • Peter Muhlau, Middle Class Squeeze? Social Class and Perceived Financial Handship in Ireland, 2002-2012, The Economic and Social Review, 45, (4), 2014, p485 - 509

  • R. Wittek, F.N. Morales. P. Muhlau, Evil Tidings: Are Reorganizations more Successful if Employees are Informed Early?, Koelner Zeitschrift fuer Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, 66, (Special Issue), 2014, p349 - 367

  • Claudia Diehl, Marion Fischer-Neumann, Peter Muhlau, Between ethnic options and ethnic boundaries - Recent Polish and Turkish migrants identification with Germany, Ethnicities, 2016

  • Claudia Diehl, Marcel Lubbers, Peter Muhlau, Lucinda Platt, Starting out: New migrants socio-cultural integration trajectories in four European destinations, Ethnicities, 2016

  • Cornelia Kristen, Peter Muhlau, Diana Schacht, Language acquisition of recently arrived immigrants in England, Germany, Ireland, and the Netherlands, Ethnicities, 2016

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