
Social & Political Sciences Experts

Silvia Bertoni

Adjunct Assistant Professor
Department of Italian
Trinity College Dublin


Silvia Bertoni holds an MA in Italian Studies from the University of Rome “La Sapienza” and an M.Phil in Applied Linguistics from Trinity College Dublin. For many years she has been involved in language teaching, teacher training, curriculum development, assessment, materials development and editing.

Research Interest

Teaching and learning Italian as a foreign language, in particular developing language skills (reading, listening, writing and speaking), strategies to teach and learn vocabulary, developing language learning strategies, developing autonomy in language learners, strategies to teach grammar, contrastive grammar, the interrelation between language and literature and cooperative learning in higher education. 19th and 20th century Italian literature and history, cinema, the relationship between history and literature; literature and society; the history of the Italian language and the use of literary texts to develop language awareness, cultural knowledge and intercultural awareness.


  • 1998 - Il mondo dei giovani, Italian language activities for Irish students aged 13-16. ATI/LINGUA.

  • Authentik in italiano, language activities based on authentic materials, written in collaboration with Francesca Lorenzi. Authentik, Dublin.

  • 2002 - L’italiano in classe, booklet with useful languag to encourage the use of the target language in the classroom. Accompanied by a tape. ITÉ, Dublin.

  • 2003 - Le parole italiane – esercizi e giochi per imparare il lessico, a book for learning Italian vocabulary, written in collaboration with Susanna Nocchi. ALMA Edizioni.

  • 2004 - Giro d’Italia 1, first part of an Italian textbook for the junior cycle in post-primary education in Ireland. Published by the Department of Education and Science under the auspices of the Post-Primary Languages Initiative.

  • 2005 - Giro d’Italia 2, second part of an Italian textbook for the junior cycle in post-primary education in Ireland. Published by the Department of Education and Science under the auspices of the Post-Primary Languages Initiative.

  • 2008 - AS/A2 Digital Listening Tests, written and edited in collaboration with Susanna Nocchi. Authentik, Dublin.

  • 2008 - AS/A2 Digital Reading Tests, written and edited in collaboration with Susanna Nocchi. Authentik, Dublin.

  • 2009 - Classroom activities developed in collaboration with Susanna Nocchi for the website of the Post-Primary Languages Initiative.

  • 2010 - In bocca al lupo!, … Crepi! an Italian textbook for the senior cycle in post-primary education published by Authentik, Dublin, under the auspices of the Post-Primary Languages Initiative of the Department of Education and Skills.

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