
Immunology Experts

Jean-christophe Tellier

Chief Executive Officer


 Jean-Christophe Tellier joined UCB in 2011. He became UCB’s Chief Executive Officer on January 1, 2015 after having successfully led UCB’s BioBrands and Solutions division as Executive Vice President. He is a member of the Board of Directors of UCB, a member of the Board of WELBIO (Walloon Institute for Life Lead Sciences) and of BIO (Biotechnology Industry Organization in the US) and of PhRMA (Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America). He is also VicePresident as well as a President-Elect of the Board of the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Associations (EFPIA), Chairman of the Innovation Board Sponsored Committee (EFPIA) and board member of the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI). Jean-Christophe Tellier is an experienced global leader. He was trained as a Medical Doctor and specialized in rheumatology. He has built a distinguished 25-year career in the biopharmaceutical industry, taking on different global leadership responsibilities in different parts of the world. His patient-centric approach, his passion for science, combined with his strategic and operational skills, have allowed him to significantly contribute to UCB’s success in recent years. For Jean-Christophe “engaging the patient in our vision is the best way for our company to be successful in the long term. Having a holistic view of a patient, of his/her life in his/her environment is essential to ensure effective treatment”. Jean-Christophe also believes that “all healthcare players - physicians, payors, carers, industry and academia - should cooperate even more effectively and become stronger partners sharing a same goal: improving patient care”.    

Research Interest

 Jean-Christophe Tellier is an experienced global leader. He was trained as a Medical Doctor and specialized in rheumatology. He has built a distinguished 25-year career in the biopharmaceutical industry, taking on different global leadership responsibilities in different parts of the world.    

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