
Healthcare Experts

Nick Powell

President, Europe, The Middle East, and Africa (EM


 Mr. Powell is President of EMEA and APAC for Univar. He is an industry veteran with nearly 30 years in the chemical industry. He joined Univar in 2009, establishing the company’s Middle East & Africa businesses and grew its footprint including by leading the acquisition of our Turkey business. In 2014, Mr. Powell assumed leadership of EMEA’s Focused Industries where he has taken those businesses to new growth levels. In addition to EMEA, he continues to lead Univar’s APAC operations, which he successfully returned to profitability after assuming their leadership in late 2015. Prior to joining Univar, Mr. Powell has spent more than 20 years in the chemicals industry, primarily in the water treatment chemicals and construction chemicals fields.

Research Interest

He is an industry veteran with nearly 30 years in the chemical industry.

Global Experts from Ireland

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