
Microbiology Experts

Efroni Sol

Associate Professor
Microbiology and Virology
Bar Ilan University


Dr. Efroni Sol is affiliated to the Department of Microbiology and Virology, Bar Ilan University. Dr. Efroni Sol is currently providing services as Associate Professor. Dr. Efroni Sol has published numerous publications in various national and international peer-reviewed journals and presented scientific papers across the world. Because of the active association with different societies and academies as well as the contributions, Dr. Efroni Sol is been recognized by the subject experts around the world. Dr. Efroni Sol contributions are appreciated by various reputed awards. Dr. Efroni Sol clinical and scientific research interests include With an emphasis on the signaling network, the Systems Biomedicine Lab looks at the changes in the network during the transition from a normal state to a disease state..

Research Interest

With an emphasis on the signaling network, the Systems Biomedicine Lab looks at the changes in the network during the transition from a normal state to a disease state.


  • Ruxandra Covacu, Hagit Philip, Merja Jaronen, Jorge Almeida, Jessica E. Kenison, Samuel Darko (2016) System-wide Analysis of the T Cell Response

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