
Plant Sciences Experts

Silit Lazare

Life Sciences
Ben Gurion University of Negev


Silit Lazare is a PhD student, exploring flower bulbs physiology and development. She has a long and extensive experience in growing geophytes and other ornamentals as an agronomist of commercial nurseries. Her scientific research is focusing on several aspects of plant physiology- growth and flowering control, meristems' morphogenesis, flower development, metabolism and more. Her novel theory regarding flowering pathways in Lilium longiflorum shakes the scientific knowledge and offers an improved agricultural practice to grow this crop Silit Lazare is a PhD student, exploring flower bulbs physiology and development. She has a long and extensive experience in growing geophytes and other ornamentals as an agronomist of commercial nurseries. Her scientific research is focusing on several aspects of plant physiology- growth and flowering control, meristems' morphogenesis, flower development, metabolism and more. Her novel theory regarding flowering pathways in Lilium longiflorum shakes the scientific knowledge and offers an improved agricultural practice to grow this crop

Research Interest

Plant Sciences, Plant Physiology-growth and flowering control, meristems' morphogenesis, flower development, metabolism

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