
Engineering Experts

Moshik Hershcovitch

Cloud Storage Group
IBM Research


I am a researcher at the cloud storage group at IBM's Haifa Labs. My research interests include various topics like: databases, security and analytics, especially in a cloud setting. I am interested in open source distributed systems such as MongoDB, RocksDB, Spark, Alluxio, Kafka and many more. My current research project is about Storage Class Memory (also known as NVM), a new fast storage tier, and its influence on applications such as Databases, analytics and real-time applications. In this research, we deal with various challenges such as performance, security, recovery and deduplication. Before joining IBM I was a Co-Founder and CEO of a startup in the field of machine learning. I started my Career as a Hardware engineer including design, verification and architecture, as an engineer and as a manager. I completed my Master’s degree in 2009 in the field of data structures under the supervision of Haim Kaplan and Boaz Patt-Shamir at the Tel-Aviv University. I am a researcher at the cloud storage group at IBM's Haifa Labs. My research interests include various topics like: databases, security and analytics, especially in a cloud setting. I am interested in open source distributed systems such as MongoDB, RocksDB, Spark, Alluxio, Kafka and many more. My current research project is about Storage Class Memory (also known as NVM), a new fast storage tier, and its influence on applications such as Databases, analytics and real-time applications. In this research, we deal with various challenges such as performance, security, recovery and deduplication. Before joining IBM I was a Co-Founder and CEO of a startup in the field of machine learning. I started my Career as a Hardware engineer including design, verification and architecture, as an engineer and as a manager. I completed my Master’s degree in 2009 in the field of data structures under the supervision of Haim Kaplan and Boaz Patt-Shamir at the Tel-Aviv University.

Research Interest

Cloud Storage Group

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