
Engineering Experts

Shai Erera

Information & Social Analytics
IBM Research


I am a Senior Technical Staff Member at the Social Analytics & Technologies group at IBM Research - Haifa. I develop Information Retrieval technologies and algorithms, from the inner core parts of a search engine to distribution layers, features and algorithms on top. I participate and lead projects that require developing large-scale Big Data IR applications, both on-premis and in the cloud. I have built a Solr-as-a-Service solution on IBM's BlueMix, offering users to provision their own Solr instances and index and search their content, while the system took care of the instances' high-availbility and recovery. I also develop IR algorithms such as re-ranking, passage retrieval, query performance prediction and contextual search on top of the leading Open Source technologies: Apache Lucene, Apache Solr and Elasticsearch. I'm also an Apache Lucene/Solr committer and PMC member. Over the years I've contributed numerous enhancements, improvements and features to Lucene and Solr and became part of the amazing group of committers.

Research Interest

Social Analytics & Technologies

Global Experts from Israel

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