
Engineering Experts

Rakefet Ackerman

Assistant Professor
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology


Rakefet Ackerman is a tenured Assistant Professor of Cognitive Psychology at the Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Management, Technion, Israel. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Haifa, and held a Post-Doctoral position at Ben-Gurion University. She studies learning, question answering, and problem solving. Her studies are based on the metacognitive approach, by which subjective assessment of knowledge guides the activities people perform for achieving their goals. Understanding the factors that affect the reliability of this subjective knowledge assessment and the cases that are particularly prone to biases offers a foundation for developing effective work environments and techniques. Prof. Ackerman's work has been published in leading journals, such as the Trends in Cognitive Sciences, Journal of Experimental Psychology (General; Learning, Memory, & Cognition; Applied), Cognition, and Computers in Human Behavior. She takes part in establishing a new research domain, Meta-Reasoning , which deals with the metacognitive processes involved in reasoning and problem solving. She received grants from the German Israeli Foundation for Scientific Rakefet Ackerman is a tenured Assistant Professor of Cognitive Psychology at the Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Management, Technion, Israel. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Haifa, and held a Post-Doctoral position at Ben-Gurion University. She studies learning, question answering, and problem solving. Her studies are based on the metacognitive approach, by which subjective assessment of knowledge guides the activities people perform for achieving their goals. Understanding the factors that affect the reliability of this subjective knowledge assessment and the cases that are particularly prone to biases offers a foundation for developing effective work environments and techniques. Prof. Ackerman's work has been published in leading journals, such as the Trends in Cognitive Sciences, Journal of Experimental Psychology (General; Learning, Memory, & Cognition; Applied), Cognition, and Computers in Human Behavior. She takes part in establishing a new research domain, Meta-Reasoning , which deals with the metacognitive processes involved in reasoning and problem solving. She received grants from the German Israeli Foundation for Scientific

Research Interest

Research and Development (GIF), Israel Foundation Trustees (IFT), and Israel Science Foundation (ISF) to study metacognitive processes. She is the Israel representative in the “Evolution of reading in the age of digitisation (E-READ )” European Cooperation (COST). Before her graduate studies, Prof. Ackerman worked in the software development industry, as a product development manager and system analyst. She teaches Human Factors Engineering and Metacognition and is the head of the Laboratory of Behavioral Sciences

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