Mella Massimo
Associate Professors
Insubria University
PhD University of Milan (1995). Visiting Ph.D. student in the laboratory of Dr. James B. Anderson, Pennsylvania State University. CSRSRC-CNR (National Research Council) Post Doctoral Research Fellow (1997, positron chemistry). Post Doctoral Fellow, Department of Physical Chemistry, University of Milan (1998, quantum clusters). Research Scientist / Assistant, Department of Physical Chemistry, University of Milan (1998-2002). Junior Research Fellow, Wolfson College Oxford (2003-4). EPSRC Advanced Research Fellow, University of Oxford and Cardiff University (2002-7). Lecturer in Theoretical Chemistry, Cardiff (2004-2007). Reader in Theoretical Chemistry, Cardiff (2007). Visiting Research Professor Fellowship (University of Insubria, Como, 2009-).
Research Interest
Development of classical and quantum methods to simulate molecular clusters, molecular and ionic liquids, and for the description of correlation effects in electronic structure calculations. Investigation of the static and dynamic properties of hydrogen bonded clusters and condensed phases, with emphasis on the systems relevant for atmospheric chemistry. Development of simulation methods for the calculation of exact reaction and dissociation rates. Investigation of the electronic structure, interaction and reactivity of positron containing compounds.
Robust wave function optimization procedure in quantum Monte Carlo methods D. Bressanini, G. Morosi, and M. Mella J. Chem. Phys. 116, 5345-50 (2002)
Positron and Positronium Chemistry by Quantum Monte Carlo. YOU. The ground state of LiPs, NaPs, and + Be, and e + Mg. M. Mella, M. Casalegno, and G. Morosi, J. Chem. Phys. 117 , 1450-56 (2002).
o-Positronium scattering off H and He S. Church, M. Mella, and G. Morosi Phys. Rev. A. 66 , 042502-042502-8 (2002).