Luisa Cazzaniga
Local Account Executive Eni and Snam
Local Account Executive Eni and Snam at Microsoft Passionate about my work, my family, my company and everything I’m involved in! I’ve been in sales role since 2008 at the beginning as a sales specialist and in the last 2 year as an account executive; I’ve also worked in Marketing, in Partner Accounting always in the enterprise space, achieving good results, not confine myself to target and go for more; I love help customers address their business needs and help my peer having success. Personal skill Honest: I talk to other (partners, customers and colleagues) in a truthful manner sharing information that may be valuable to them,; Inclusive: everyone in my virtual team can learn from other and I’m open to delegate and to empower; Self critical: I ask for feedback from other and use them constructively to reviews ideas, projects and my way of work
Research Interest
Marketing, Partner Accounting, Business & Management