Lucilla Capotondi
Marine Sciences
National Research Council of Italy
Lucilla Capotondi has been working in the field of biostratigraphy, paleoceanography and paleoclimate using foraminifera (quantitative study and geochemical analysis). Most of her research was performed on marine sediments from Mediterranean Sea, Atlantic Ocean and Antarctica (programs financed by CEE, CNR, INGV, MIUR, PNRA).
Research Interest
1) Neogene bio-chronostratigraphy; 2) Late Quaternary high-frequency climatic cycles; 3) Paleoenvironmental reconstruction during sapropels deposition in the Mediterranean sea; 4) biogeochemical and ecological role of Foraminifera in marine ecosystems; 5) foraminifera and environmental quality; 6) particulate fluxes in the Antarctic sea. She is involved in several science outreach activities (Project manager, scholar teacher and citizen science promoter).