Annalisa De Boni
Department of Agro-Environmental and Territorial Sciences
University of Aldo Moro
Annalisa De Boni is working as researcher in the Department of Agro-Environmental and Territorial Sciences, University of Aldo Moro.
Research Interest
Economy and rural estimate
DE BLASI G, DE BONI A., ROMA R, TREVISAN G. (2012)The social capital for Adriatic small pelagic fish valueenhancing: a network analysis NEW MEDIT, n. 1; p.27-32, ISSN: 1594-5685
A. Castellini, A. De Boni, A. Gaviglio, C. Mauracher, A. Ragazzoni, R. Roma Prospects and challenges for development of organic fish farming in Italy NEW MEDIT, n. 4/2012 Special issue; p.23-26, ISSN: 1594-5685