Giuseppe Fenu
Department of Life Sciences and the Environment
University of Cagliari
Degree in Natural Sciences, address "Conservation of Nature and its Resources" with a vote of 110/110 and praise, obtained at the University of Cagliari (2002). Formation training at the Marine Protected Area "Sinis Peninsula - Island of Mal di Ventre", Cabras (01 February - 30 June 2003). Finalization course "Estudios demograficos de flora amenazada: utilization de demografia de la conservation de especies" at the Universidad de València, Valencia, Spain (September 29 - October 03, 2008). Ph.D. in "Environmental and Applied Botanical" (BIO / 03) at the Department of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Cagliari, on "Biology of in situ conservation of endemic flora of Sardinia in danger of extinction" (2006-2008). Research Certificate in Environmental and Applied Botanical (BIO / 03) at the Department of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Cagliari, on "Population studies of Sardinian plants at risk of extinction" (2009-2014 ). BIO / 03 (Environmental and Applied Botanical), a lecturer of the subject for the disciplinary science sector BIO / 03, conferred by the Faculty of Primary Education at the University of Cagliari (October 2010). Research Certificate in Environmental and Applied Botanical (BIO / 03) at the Department of Environmental Biology, Sapienza University of Rome, on "Endemic Flora Endangered in Mediterranean Island Hotspots: Threat Analysis and State Assessment of conservation "(2014-2016). National Scientific Enabler for second category university professor for the competition sector 05 / A1 Botany (November 28, 2014 - November 28, 2020). Type B (BIO / 02 Systematic Botany) Researcher at the Department of Life and Environmental Sciences at the University of Cagliari (from 2016). Training courses at national and international institutions: Cuneese Park and Nature Reserve Management Authority of the Piedmont Region (October 2004), Center for Investigation and Experimentation Forestal (CIEF) in Valencia, Spain (January - February 2005), CBN Méditerranéen de Porquerolles, Hyeres, France (October 2005), Seed Conservation Department, Royal Botanic Gardens Kew, Ardingly, UK (January-February 2008), Unidad de Conservación Vegetal of the Botanical Department of the University of Granada, Spain (September 2009), Estación Biológica de Doñana - CSIC in Seville, Spain (October 2009), Department of Ecology and Botanical Garden of the University of Calabria (May 2010).
Research Interest
Florist research in hot spots in Mediterranean island territories; analysis of the main distributive and ecological patterns of endemic species or conservation interest, with particular focus on Mediterranean island flora, in relation to the main environmental and anthropic drivers. Conservation biology studies on species of Mediterranean flora at risk of extinction, with particular focus on Sardinia's endemoflora. The studies cover the following topics: biological and ecological characterization of populations and their conservation status; analysis of distribution, structure and demographic trends; identifying and quantifying the effects of threats (both natural and anthropic); assessment of the conservation status by applying the main international methodologies; identifying and implementing effective conservation measures for natural populations. Genetic, phylogenetic and biosynthesis studies on critical groups or vegetable taxa present in Sardinia and having a particular conservation interest. Characterization and monitoring of Mediterranean habitats, focus on those most affected by the anthropic impact, those characteristic of coastal areas, and of the relicted ones such as the forests of Taxus baccata and the bushes at Laurus nobilis .
Wand G., E. Farris, Fenu G ., Filigheddu R., E. Mattana, Mulè P., 2007. Contribution to the knowledge of the woods in Laurus nobilis of Sardinia, a priority habitat under Directive 92/43 / EEC. Physiognomy 44 (2 - Suppl 1): 239-244.
Bacchetta G., Fenu G. , Mattana E., Meloni F., Podda L., 2007. Ex situ and in situ conservation of the biodiversity of the Marine Protected Area of ​​Capo Carbonara (Southeastern Sardinia). Physiosociology 44 (1): 157-164.
G. Bacchetta, Fenu G. , Iiriti G., Mattana E., Meloni F., Mulè P., Podda L., 2006. Territory defense throughout conservation of the plant diversity: the project of the Protected Sea Area of ​​Capo Carbonara South eastern Sardinia). Proceedings "The First International Symposium on Environmental Identities and Mediterranean Area - ISEIM 2006": 302-307.