
Geology & Earth Science Experts

Adele Bertini

Associate Professor
Department of Earth Sciences
University of Firenze


Graduated in Geological Sciences at the University of Florence (Italy) in 1984. From 1985 to 1988 he taught at secondary schools of first and second degree. In 1992 he received the title of PhD in Paleontology by discussing a thesis on: Palinology and environmental aspects of the Adriatic side of the central-northern Apennines during Messinian and Zancleano. He is currently a university researcher at the Department of Earth Sciences in Florence. From 2006 he is "Associate" at the Institute of Geosciences and Georisorse where he collaborates with the Organic Unit of Florence at the Paleoclimatology Module.

Research Interest

His research activity focuses on the use of palinology (pollen, spores and dinocists) as a tool for paleo-environmental and stratigraphic reconstruction in neogenic continental and marine sequences of the Mediterranean area. The main lines of its research include (1) development of floristic, vegetational and climatic themes as well as tafonomic studies and palynofacies; (2) application of transfer functions for Neogene climatic quantification; (3) use of morphometry in the study of pollen granules. Additional research lines concerned the study of continental and marine sequences in North and South America for the late Pleistocene-olocenous period. The research is carried out in collaboration with several Italian and international institutions.


  • Pini, R .; Bertini, A.; Martinetto, E .; Vassio, E. (2016). The Pleistocene flora of northern Italy. The Pleistocene flora of Northern Italy. In: Kustatscher, E .; Roghi, G .; Bertini, A., Miola, A. (eds.); and co-authors. The history of fossil plants in Italy. Paleobotany of Italy. Second Edition., Pp. 290-307, South Tyrol: Kustatscher E., Roghi G., Bertini A., Miola A., ISBN: 9788887108095.

  • Bertini, Adele; Sadori, Laura; Combourieu-Nebout, Nathalie; Donders, Timme H .; Koul, Katerina; Koutsodendris, Andreas; Joann, Sébastien; Masi, Alessia; Mercuri, Anna Maria; Panagiotopoulos, Konstantinos; Peyron, Odile; Sinopoli, Gaia; Torri, Paola; Zanchetta, Giovanni; Francke, Alexander; Wagner, Bernd (2016). All together now: An international palynological team documents vegetation and climate change during the last 500 years at Lake Ohrid (SE Europe). ALPINE AND MEDITERRANEAN QUATERNARY, vol. 29, pp. 201-210, ISSN: 2279-7327

  • Bertini, A; Martinetto, D (2016). Neogene flora of the peninsular Italy and Sicily. The Neogene flora of the Italian peninsula. In: Kustatscher E., Roghi G., Bertini A., Miola A. (eds.), And co-authors. The history of fossil plants in Italy. Paleobotany of Italy. Second Edition., Pp. 248-279, South Tyrol: Kustatscher E., Roghi G., Bertini A., Miola A., ISBN: 9788887108095.

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