
Medical Sciences Experts

Elisa Margherita Diffusion

Associate Professor
Department of Surgery and Transdermal Medicine (DCMT)
University of Firenze


Born in Altamura (Ba) on 11-10-47  Secondary schools: Altamura  1974: Degree in Medicine and Surgery at the University of Florence with grades 110/110  1977: Specialization in Dermosifilopathic Clinic in Florence with grades 70/70 and praise.  1974 -1979: volunteer at the Dermosifilopatica Clinic of Florence, where he attended the  1979 Mycology Service in 1979. Assistant Assistant at the Dermosifilopathic Clinic of Florence  1980: Assistant of Hospital Assistant at the Dermosifilopatica Clinic of Florence with Departmental Activities and at the Mycology Service  1982: Head of the Mycology Service in Florence 1988-89: Co-responsible Assistant at the Dermosifilopathic Clinic of Florence  1990:  Co-authored Assistant at the Dermosifilopathic Clinic of Florence Since 1991: Associate Professor of Venereology   Since 1991 teaches Dermatology at the Degree Course in Medicine and Surgery and at the School of Specialization in Dermosilopathic Clinic  Since 1995: Head of Dermatological Mycologic Module of Dermosifilopathic Clinic I; since December 2004 the Module has been transformed thanks to its intense scientific and welfare activity in the Simple Operating Unit of Dermatological Mycology  From 2000 to 2005: Coordinator of the SIDEV Mycology Group Since 2002: Professor of Dermatology at the Degree of Nursing Sciences, Degree in Obstetrics and Degree Course in Podiatry  2003: Organizer of I Congress of Dermatological Mycology, Florence  In 2005: Organizer of the 2nd Congress of Dermatological Mycology, Florence    La Prof. DIFONZO has presented numerous communications and reports in workshops, roundtables and symposia at national and international congresses. He has published over 180 works (clinical, biological and experimental) in many international journals. He has collaborated in the publication of 9 Dermatology Manuals and is the author of a book on "Mycology Laboratory Techniques". Its main research topic focuses on endogenous and infectious skin infectious and parasitic diseases, and in particular on superficial and deep mycoses and infectious diseases.  In recent years, in particular, in addition to epidemiological-clinical research (including the role of Malassezia in various skin diseases and the spread of import dermatophytes), research has focused on chronic Trichophyhyton rubrum syndrome and cellular response host.   Prof. Difonzo is:  - Founding members of the FIMUA (Italian Federation of Human and Female Mycology), who was also vice-president from 1990 to 1994 and renamed vice-president in 2006.  - Member of the German Language Micologia Society     

Research Interest



  • Bassi, Andrea; Remaschi, Giulia; Difonzo, Elisa Margherita; Greco, Antonella; Buccoliero, Anna Maria; Giani, Teresa; Facchins, Flavio; Cimaz, Rolando; de Martino, Maurizio (2015). Idiopathic congenital atrophoderma of Pasini and Pierini. EADC, vol. 100, pp. 1184-1184, ISSN: 1468-2044, DOI

  • Bassi, Andrea; Greco, Antonella; Galeone, Massimiliano; Venturini, Elisabetta; Bianchi, Leila; Scarfi, Federica; Galli, Luisa; Difonzo, Elisa; De Martino, Maurizio (2016). Tinea faciei in a 14-day-old girl. JOURNAL OF PEDIATRICS, vol. 173, pp. 259-260, ISSN: 0022-3476 DOI ONLINE ACCESS TO THE EDITOR

  • M. Galeone; M. Arunachalam; F. Scarfì; GM. Palleschi; D. Massi; EM. Diophon (Underway). Unilateral eyelid involvement in discoid lupus erythematosus. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGY, pp. ---, ISSN: 0011-9059

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