Elizabeth Baldi
Associate Professor
Department of Experimental and Clinical Medicine
University of Firenze
Born in 1955 March 1979: Graduated in Biological Science at the University of Florence with 110/110 cum laude. 1979-1984: post-doctoral fellowship at the Institute of Clinical Pharmacology of the University of Florence. April-May 1980: visiting scientist in the Laboratory of Biochemistry of the Imperial College of Science and Tachnology (London), directed by Dr. J. Hughes after winning a Wellcome Research Travel Grant for two months. During this visit she learns methods of biological assays. November 1981: win a grant from the Italian National Research Council (CNR Rome) for three years. March-April 1982: visiting fellow in the Laboratory of Preclinical Pharmacology of the National Institute of Health (Washington, USA) directed by Prof. E. Costa to learn HPLC techniques. November 1982: Admitted to the post-graduate course in pharmacology at the University of Milan (Prof. F. Berti) November 1984: Specialized in Pharmacology at the University of Milan (70/70). 1984: The Grant from CNR is renewed. She became intern in the Laboratory of Endocrinology of the University of Florence directed by Prof. M. Serio. 1988-1990: two years research fellowship in the Laboratory of Nephrology directed by Prof. M. Dunn at Case Western Reserve University (Cleveland, Ohio). July 1990-2001: Researcher in the Andrology Unit of the University of Florence directed by prof. G. Forti. January 2002: win a position of researcher at the University of Florence. May 2005 - Present: Associate Professor in Clinical Pathology (MED / 05)
Research Interest
Sperm Biology: capacitation, acrosome reaction, motility. Nongenomic effects of steroid hormones. New predictive parameters of fertility status - Prostate cancer cell biology, study of mechanisms that regulate invasion and development of androgen resistance
Marchiani, Sara; Tamburrino, Lara; Bricklayers, Monica; Baldi, Elisabetta (2016). New insights into sperm biology: How do benchside results in the search for molecular markers can help understand male infertility. WORLD JOURNAL OF TRANSLATION MEDICINE, vol. 5, pp. 26-36, ISSN: 2220-6132
Lot, F; Maseroli, E; Fralassi, N; Degl'Innocenti, S; Boni, L; Baldi, E; Maggi, M. (2016). Is thyroid hormones evaluation of clinical value in the work-up of males of infertile couples ?. HUMAN REPRODUCTION, vol. 31, pp. 518-529, ISSN: 0268-1161
Lotti, F .; Tamburrino, L .; Marchiani, S .; Maseroli, E .; Vitale, P .; Forti, G .; Muratori, M .; Maggi, M .; Baldi, E. (2017). DNA FRAGMENTATION IN TWO CYTOMETRIC SPERM POPULATIONS: RELATIONSHIP WITH CLINICAL AND ULTRASOUND CHARACTERISTICS OF THE MALE GENITAL TRACT. ASIAN JOURNAL OF ANDROLOGY, vol. 9, pp. 272-279, ISSN: 1008-682