Marco Benvenuti
Associate Professor
Department of Earth Sciences
University of Firenze
Marco BENVENUTI was born in Florence in 1961. In 1984 he graduated in Geological Sciences at the University of Florence (110/110 and praise), discussing a thesis of geology. In1989 ha obtained the title of Research Doctor in Mineralogy and Petrology. In 1990 he received the Earth Sciences Department of the University of Florence as a Researcher. Since 2001 he is Associate Professor.
Research Interest
His research interests range from various fields of mineralogia and mineralogia applied: environmental mineralogia (especially the study of the dispersion of toxic metals into active and deserted mining areas); archeometry, in particular archeometallurgy (ancient methods of extraction and metallurgical treatment, with particular reference to Etruria); exploitation of geo-mineralogical heritage and Tuscan mining (geosites); study of the metallic fields and industrial minerals of Tuscany.
Chiarantini, L .; Rimondi, V .; Welcome, M .; Beutel, M .; Costagliola, P .; Gonnelli, C.; Lattanzi, P .; Paolieri, M (2016). Black Pine (Pinus Nigra) barks as biomonitors of airborne pollution. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, vol. 569-570, pp. 105-113, ISSN: 0048-9697
Camaiti M .; Welcome M .; Costagliola P .; By Benedict F .; Moretti S. (2017). Hyperspectral sensors for the characterization of cultural heritage surfaces. In: Masini N .; Soldiers F .. Sensing the Past - From artefact to historical site - Volume 16, pp. 289-311 Springer, Cham, ISBN: 978-3-319-50516-9.
Lattanzi, Pierfranco; Rimondi, Valentina; Chiarantini, Laura; Colica, Antonella; Welcome, Marco; Costagliola, Pilar; Ruggieri, Giovanni (2017). Mercury Dispersion Through Streams The Mt. Amiata District, Southern Tuscany, Italy. In: 15th Water-Rock Interaction International Symposium, WRI-15, Elsevier, vol. 17, pp. 468-471