Pietro Lupetti
Department of Life Sciences
University of Siena
He is PhD in Evolutionary Biology in 1994, Associate Prof. of Zoology since 2005. He specialized in advanced electron microscopy techniques for the study of cell ultrastructure and motility. Invited speaker in several institutions and international meetings. He has scientific collaborations with USA, UK, Germany, Swiss and France. He published 83 papers in p.r. international journals. Director of Life Sciences PhD program, Vice chair of Life Sciences Dep. Member of the American Soc. for Cell Biology, European Microscopy Soc., Ital. Union of Zoologists, Italian Soc. for Pure and Appl. Biophysics
Research Interest
His research interest is in Functional and comparative ultrastucture of flagellar components & Structural studies on biological macromolecules of biomedical interest.