Arimitsu Yutaka
Associate Professor
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Ehime University
ARIMITSU Yutaka serves as Professor at Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering in Ehime University, Japan. His Present research activities are Science education/Educational technology, Science education Mechanical engineering, Materials/Mechanics of materials.
Research Interest
Science education/Educational technology, Science education Mechanical engineering, Materials/Mechanics of materials
Evaluation of Engineering Textbooks Used in Japan, China and Korea by University Students ARIMITSU Yutaka, WU Zhiqiang, LEE Jaehoon, YAGI Hidetsugu, Journal of Jsee, å·¥å¦æ•™è‚², 62, (4) 4_64 - 4_68
Response of Student to the Introduction of CAD in Design Education YAGI Hidetsugu, ARIMITSU Yutaka, Journal of Jsee, å·¥å¦æ•™è‚², 62, (5) 5_56 - 5_60
Optimum structures of micropolar materials depending on elastic constants Y. Arimitsu, Z. Q. Wu, Y. Sogabe, T. Kimura, Engineering Optimization IV - Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Engineering Optimization, ENGOPT 2014, 841 - 846, 01
A Study on Readable Textbooks and Structure of Japanese Sentences ARIMITSU Yutaka, YAGI Hidetsugu, WU Zhiqiang, LEE Jaehoon, Journal of Jsee, å·¥å¦æ•™è‚², 62, (2) 2_51 - 2_56