Takeuchi Toyohide
Department of Chemistry and Biomolecular Science
Gifu University
Takeuchi Toyohide is currently working in Gifu University,Japan. His research work is on to improve the performance of chromatography. There are two phases such as mobile and stationary phases in chromatography. Analytes are separated based on the difference in the interaction with the stationary phase. In the laboratory, capillary columns with the size of one a few hundredth of conventional ones have been prepared as the stationary phase for liquid chromatography and their performance is to be improved. Novel stationary phases are developed to improve the separation selectivity. For example, polyoxyethylene or crown ether is chemically bonded to silica gel and applied to the separation of inorganic anions, where the eluent cations are trapped on these functional groups to work as the anion-exchange site. In my group, particle packed and monolithic capillary columns are prepared. Use of capillary columns in liquid chromatography leads to tremendous reduction of consumption of mobile phase and provides an environmentally friendly analytical method.
Research Interest
His research interest is on separation science, chromatography, capillary liquid chromatography