Sadanori Takeo
Kyushu University
Sadanori Takeo has completed his PhD at Kyushu University in Immunological Sciences. He was one of the pioneers in Thoracic surgery and VATS surgery in Japan. He and his team were the first to report Original video-assisted thoracoscopic extended thymectomy for thymoma. He later became the Chairman of the Department of Thoracic Surgery at National Hospital Organization Kyushu Medical Center. He has served on the editorial boards of many scientific journals, and on the advisory panels of many academic and government institutions. He is a member of board of the many academic association and has published more than 90 papers in lung cancer and mediastinal tumor fields. He is the Director General of Clinical Department at National Hospital Organization Kyushu Medical Center. Sadanori Takeo has completed his PhD at Kyushu University in Immunological Sciences. He was one of the pioneers in Thoracic surgery and VATS surgery in Japan. He and his team were the first to report Original video-assisted thoracoscopic extended thymectomy for thymoma. He later became the Chairman of the Department of Thoracic Surgery at National Hospital Organization Kyushu Medical Center. He has served on the editorial boards of many scientific journals, and on the advisory panels of many academic and government institutions. He is a member of board of the many academic association and has published more than 90 papers in lung cancer and mediastinal tumor fields. He is the Director General of Clinical Department at National Hospital Organization Kyushu Medical Center.
Research Interest
Lung cancer and mediastinal tumor