
Business & Management Experts

Mr. Jun Furuta

Pokka Corporation


Pokka Corporation is a corporation headquartered in Japan, which sells canned or bottled coffee, flavored tea and an assortment of other beverages. It was known as Singapore's No.1 Jasmine Green Tea. Pokka is owned by Sapporo Holdings, Japan's fourth largest brewer by volume and makers of Yebisu and Sleeman.Pokka Corporation is a corporation headquartered in Japan, which sells canned or bottled coffee, flavored tea and an assortment of other beverages. It was known as Singapore's No.1 Jasmine Green Tea. Pokka is owned by Sapporo Holdings, Japan's fourth largest brewer by volume and makers of Yebisu and Sleeman.

Research Interest

Pokka Corporation is a corporation headquartered in Japan, which sells canned or bottled coffee, flavored tea and an assortment of other beverages. It was known as Singapore's No.1 Jasmine Green Tea. Pokka is owned by Sapporo Holdings, Japan's fourth largest brewer by volume and makers of Yebisu and Sleeman.

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