Tadatomo Kazuyuki
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Materials Science
Yamaguchi University
Degree Obtained/License Doctor of Engineering , Electron/electric material engineering( ) Master (Engineering) , (1980) Education: Osaka University, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Department of Chemical Engineering(1978) Osaka University, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Chemical Division(1980)
Research Interest
Study of Opto-electronic Semiconductor Devices
Fabrication and Evaluation of GaN Layer Composed of m- and {10-11} Facet Structure, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics,52,01AF06-1-01AF06-3(2013)
Semipolar GaN growth on Patterned Sapphire Substrate by Hydride Vapor Phase Epitaxy, Proceedings of SPIE,8625,862503-1-862503-7(2013)
Controlling potential barrier height by changing V-shaped pit size and the effect on optical and electrical properties for InGaN/GaN based light-emitting diodes, Journal of Applied Physics,117,025708-1-025708-3(2015)