Adnan A. H. Badwan
General Director
Jordanian Consultants Accountants Office
"Dr Badwan Earned his PhD Degree in Pharmacy in 1977 from the University of Wales in U.K. Dr.Badwan has over 30 years of experience in Pharmaceutical R&D management, Technology transfer and business development management. During his career he published two Books, book chapters, and 130 scientific articles, Dr Badwan filed more than 70 business - related Patents, established three companies based on locally developed technology, and led the first merger in the Jordanian Pharmaceutical Industry in 2004. Dr.Badwan Supervised students reading for their Master Degrees and PhD in the Jordanian Universities as well as other universities in Iraq, Sudan and U.K. He received several achievement awards including: State award of Excellence by the Ministry of Culture in Jordan (2008), Philadelphia University – Jordan Field of invention – Pharmacy (2007), Business man of the year by ICD (2006), Arab Technology Entrepreneur (2005) by the Arab Science & Technology Foundation (ASTF). He is the president of the Board of Directors of the Arab Union of the Pharmaceutical and Medical Appliances (AUPAM)."
Research Interest
Pharmaceutical R&DÂ