
Engineering Experts

Mousa S. Mohsen

Civil Engineering
The Hashemite University


Education: Ph.D. in Wayne State University The United States of America,1991, Master University of Detroit The United States of America,1988 Bachelor State University of New York at Buffalo The United States of America,1982.

Research Interest

Research Statement My research interests are at the junction of two main branches of mechanical engineering, applied mechanics and thermo-fluids sciences. Specifically, my research interests are in continuum mechanics, fluid-solid interaction, renewable energy, energy systems, desalination and water treatment, environment and mechanical design. In my research, I focus on both the theoretical aspects and the practical issues of the problems. I am interested in participating in interdisciplinary projects and developing generic methods with mathematically proven guarantees that also perform well in practice. More recently at the Hashemite University, I have been involved in two projects; the of design and construction of blood group analyzer, which combines the expertise of mechanical engineers, electronic and control engineers and biomedical engineers, and the environmental performance of accommodation sector in Jordan, this project combine the expertise of energy, water, environmental and tourism specialists. These experiences have taught me how to overcome the challenges of communication and the great value of collaborating with researchers from varied disciplines. One principal component of my research was devoted to participate in solving my country's (Jordan) main challenge, which is the scarcity of energy and water. In addition to shortage of fresh water resources, Jordan is suffering from shortages in conventional energy sources such as petroleum and natural gas. The limited energy sources in Jordan makes considering renewable energy options such as solar, wind, and hydropower very attractive. I was involved in many research projects that address this important and vital issue. These projects include new type of solar water heating system, potentials of wind and solar energy development for water desalination, industrial wastewater reuse, energy savings in industry and residential buildings, utilizing oil shales, green house and gas emissions, and non-conventional water resources. Recently, I was awarded a grant from the NATO, Science for Peace and Security Program to implement my project that is entitled "New Desalination Process for Enhanced Recovery from Brackish Water: Smart System Utilizing Ultrasonic Reflectometry and Flow Reversal", in this project I propose to develop and build demonstration desalination pilot plant based on RO that would operate in Jordan on brackish groundwater. This plant will be set up to extract 90-95% of the groundwater as product water thereby generating ~50 m3/day of product water. In RO the feed stream is split into a product stream that passes through the membrane and a smaller reject stream at much higher concentration containing the rejected salts. To reach high recoveries many membrane elements are connected in series so the reject stream from one element becomes the feed stream for next element in the series and so on. By the time the reject stream leaves the last membrane element, it is so concentrated that scaling is likely. Scaling is of immense practical importance since it significantly degrades membrane performance and/or water quality and hence increases the cost of desalination. The innovation in this work is to prevent scaling by exploiting the fact that there is an induction time between reaching supersaturation and the start of scaling. In the proposed approach the direction of flow is reversed before the induction period is complete so feed is directed to the concentrate end and concentrate leaves from the feed end. In my course of research I had used different types of decision-making methodologies and techniques such as Fuzzy logic, Neural networks, Neuro-Fuzzy programming and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). In the area of applied mechanics, I was involved in several projects such as vibration of beams with general boundary conditions due to a moving harmonic load, evaluation of in-situ pavement moduli using a high-resolution tiltmeter, an interactive computer software for disk cam system design, the effect of Hertzian, bending and shearing stiffness on noise and vibration, continuum theory for describing soft tissue behavior, Fuzzy auto-tuning system for the conventional PID controller with application to the antilock braking, and a novel design for stone hammering machine.


  • M. S. Mohsen and B. A. Akash, “Potentials for development of wind energy for water desalination in Jordan”, International Journal of Energy Research, Vol. 22, 1998, 683-690.

  • M. S. Mohsen and B. M. Saleh, “Evaluation of in-situ pavement moduli using a high resolution tiltmeter”, ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, Vol. 124 No.5, 1998, 443-447.

  • M. S. Mohsen and B. A. Akash, “Potentials of wind energy development for water pumping in Jordan”, Renewable Energy, 14, 1998, 441-446.

  • B. A. Akash, O.R. Al-Jayyousi, and M. S. Mohsen, "Multi-criteria analysis of non-conventional energy technologies for water desalination in Jordan", Desalination, 114, 1997, 1-12.

  • M. S. Mohsen and B.A. Akash, "Evaluation of domestic solar water heating system in Jordan using analytic hierarchy process", Energy Conversion & Management, Vol.38 No.18, 1997, 1815-18

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