Zeyad Salem D. Tarawneh
Associate Professor
Civil Engineering
The Hashemite University
Education: Ph.D. Colorado State University The United States of America,2006, Master I.H.E.- Delft Netherlands,1999, Bachelor Jordan University of Science & Technology Jordan,1991.
Research Interest
Hydrology and Water Resources Modeling, Drought Characterization,Water Policy Environmental Engineering.
Khaled Hyari, Zeyad Tarawneh, Hasan Katkhuda (2016). Detection model for unbalanced pricing in construction projects: a risk-based approach. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, Vol. 142, No. 12, pp: 1 - 10.
Zeyad Tarawneh and Ahmed Bdour (2016). Bias in return period of droughts estimated from tree-ring reconstructions. Water Resources, Vol. 43, No. 3, pp: 565 - 570.
Zeyad Tarawneh, Yahia Khalayleh (2016). Improved estimate of multiyear drought for water resources management studies. Water and Climate Change, Vol. 7, No.4, pp: 721 - 730.
Zeyad Tarawneh (2017). Estimation of consistent wet period characteristics for further improvement of water resources studies. Water and Environment Journal, Vol. 31 , No. 2, pp: 245 - 251.
Zeyad Tarawneh, Khaled Hyari, Hassan Katekhuda (2017). Evaluating the characteristics of multiyear extreme droughts in semi-arid regions. Accepted for publication in Environmental Processes.