L Sutera
Independent Director
JSC Samruk Energy
Group Chief Financial Officer. Member of the Executive Board NEBRAS POWER (Qatar Sovereign International Power Company), Senior Independent Director, The Chairman of the Audit Committee, Member of the Nomination Committee and remuneration Committee, Member of the strategic planning Committee. July 5, 2016 by the decision of the Board of JSC "Samruk Kazina" (protocol number 26/16) was elected as an independent member of the Board of Directors. Vice-President of the Group and Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Global Power & Water Division, member of the team leaders of the Group ABU DHABI NATIONAL ENERGY COMPANY. May 8, 2012 by the decision of the Board of JSC "Samruk Kazina" (protocol number 21/12) was elected as an independent member of the Board of Directors. He was bornJune 7, 1971. A citizen of the Republic of Italy.
Research Interest