Karpykova Galina Urazovna
Senior Lecturer
Department of Pedagogics
Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute
Karpykova Galina Urazovna, Lecturer at Department of Pedagogics
Research Interest
Pedagogical Sciences
Karpykova G.U. Realization of pedagogical conditions of efficiency of formation of valuable orientations of teenagers in establishments of an additional education [Text] / G.U.Karpykova // Herald of KSU name of N. A.Nekrasov. - 2010. - №6. – 0,5p.l.
Karpykova G.U. Model of the formation of value orientations of teenagers in institutions of additional education [Text] / G.U. Karpykova // Economics of education. - 2009. - №4. – 0,5p.l.