Baikadamova Gulnara Akhanovna
Associate Professor
Veterinary Medicine
Kostanay State University
Baikadamova Gulnara Akhanovna Associate Professor of Department of Veterinary Medicine Candidate of veteran sciences
Research Interest
Epizootology with veterinary sanitation
Baydamova G.A. The use of PCR for the diagnosis of pigeon pasteurellosis / / Multidisciplinary scientific journal "3i - intellect, idea, innovation". - Kostanay, 2011 - â„–3 - P. 34
Baydamova G.A. Epizootology of the Pasteur and Swine erysipelas in the Kostanay Region // Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Aldamzharovskie Readings". KSTU named after academician Z. Aldamzhar. Kostanay, 2011. - P.319-323
Baydamova G.A. Method for the preparation of polyvalent hyperimmune serum against porstellosis and erysipelas. Innovative patent number 25461 for the invention. Registered in the State Register of Inventions of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 20.01.2012