Kalimov Ni Y Azbek Erhanovich
Senior Lecturer
Department of Agronomy
Kostanay State University
Kalimov Ni y azbek Erhanovich Head of Department of Science and postgraduate education Senior Lecturer of the Department of Agronomy
Research Interest
Kalimov N.E., Zharlygasov Zh.B. The influence of biohumus on the content of mobile forms of phosphorus and exchangeable potassium in the chernozems of the southern Kostanay region. VII International Scientific and Practical Conference " Scientific Thought of the Information Age - 2011", Przemyśl, Poland, March 07-15, 2011, v.13. C.64-67 .
Kalimov N.E., Zharlygasov Zh.B. Effect of fertilizers on the nitrification ability of the soil. VII International Scientific and Practical Conference " Modern Scientific Achievements-2011", Prague, Czech Republic, January 27-February 5, 2011. , v.14. P.71-73.
Kalimov N.E. Influence of the irrigation regime and nitrogen fertilizers on morphological signs of sunflower. International scientific and practical conference " Modern scientific achievements", Prague, Czech Republic, January 27 - February 05, 2012, v.23. C.98-101