Kushnir Valentina Gennadyevna
Machines, tractors and vehicles
Kostanay State University
Kushnir Valentina Gennadyevna The Head of the department of machines, tractors and vehicles Doctor of technical sciences, professor
Research Interest
machinery, tractors and vehicles
Kushnir V.G. and others. The technique used for harvesting grain crops, wintering and plowing plowland in Western and Northern Kazakhstan. - Uralsk: State Enterprise "ZKATU im. Zhangir Khan ". ISBN 8954-23-464-8. 2011. - 58s.
Kushnir V.G. and others. Workshop on Exact Farming. - FGBOU VPO MichAU, 2012. ISBN 978-5-94664-240-8, p.-116.
Kushnir V.G. Electrical and electronic systems of automotive engineering. - Kostanay: KSU im. A. Baytursynov. ISBN 978-601-7385-04-0. 2012. - 153s.