Mukasheva Gulzhamal Kasybaevna
Senior Lecturer
Theory and History of State and Law
Kostanay State University
Mukasheva Gulzhamal Kasybaevna Senior lecturer of the Department of theory and history of state and law Master of Laws
Research Interest
Constitutional law of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Mukasheva G.K. Legal system and sources of law of independent Kazakhstan the Role of science and education in the implementation of the strategy of industrial-innovative development of Kazakhstan: Materials of international scientific-practical conference «Baitursynov readings - 2012». – Kostanai: A.Baitursynov Kostanai state University, 2012. - P.131-134.
Mukasheva G.K. Place of laws in the Anglo-Saxon legal system, «the Problems of law and Economics: international law journal. - 2012. - № 1-2. - P.113-116.