Social & Political Sciences

Social & Political Sciences Experts

Turezhanova Sofiya Abdugaliyevna

Associate Professor
History of Kazakhstan
Kostanay State University


Turezhanova Sofiya Abdugaliyevna Head of department of national history Candidate of historical sciences, associate professor

Research Interest

Theory of historical process and knowledge


  • S.A.Turezhanova. Methodology of historical science: Manual. – Kostanay: Kostanay state university of A. Baitursynov, 2012. – 126 pages.

  • S.A.Turezhanova. Theory of historical process and knowledge: Manual. – Kostanay: Kostanays state university of A. Baitursynov, 2010. – 162 pages.

  • S.A.Turezhanova, S.A.Koldybayev. Problem of methodology of historical knowledge (monography). – Kostanay, KSU of A. Baytursynov, 2009. – 136 pages.

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