Zhikeev Azamat Aitpayevich
Associate Professor
Information Systems Department
Kostanay State University
Zhikeev Azamat Aitpayevich Candidate of technical sciences, associate professor
Research Interest
Automated control systems for technological processes and production
Zhikeev AA, Methods of artificial intelligence for solving the problems of production automation, Proceedings of the scientific and practical conference of the Troitsk Veterinary Academy, Troitsk, 2011
Zhikeev AA, Advantages of joint use of production expert systems and artificial neural networks in the environment of a single information space of the enterprise, Proceedings of the international conference "Perspective issues of world science", Sofia, Bulgaria, 2010.
Zhikeev AA, An example of constructing an automation system using expert systems and artificial neural systems, Multiprofile scientific journal 3i KSU im. A. Baytursynov, â„–1, 2010.