Zhokusheva Zayda Gabbasovna
Senior Lecturer
Kostanay State University
Zhokusheva Zayda Gabbasovna Senior Lecturer of the Department of Ecology
Research Interest
Ecology and Sustainable Development
Zhokusheva ZG Biodiversity of planting trees with wooden plants in Kostanay. Science magazine «3i; Intelligence, Idea, Innovation »- Kostanay: КГУ им. A. Baitursynova, 2011, № 1-2 - С.64-68
Zhokusheva ZG, Shevchenko L.Ya. The role of ecological education in the formation of ethical ideas Materials of the regional scientific and practical conference "Kazakhstan in the conditions of industrial and innovative development" - Kostanay: KGPI, 2011. - P.243-245