Kulzhanova Saltanat Mukataevna
Assistant Professor
soil science and agrochemistry
S.Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University
Candidate of geographical sciences
Research Interest
"Rational use of natural resources, processing of raw materials and production"
Definition of rate of a degradation of soils of northern Kazakhstan according to contents of minerals in them. The Way of Science international scientific journal Way of science. International scientific magazine No. 6 9 (6)2014 of page 30-34. (in Ñоавт.).
"A problem of desertification of arid zones of northern Kazakhstan in the conditions of the increased anthropogenous influence. XVI international scientific and practical conference "Natural and Mathematical Sciences in the Modern World" Russia, Novosibirsk, on March 5, 2014 page 113-125. (in Ñоавт.).
Туризмді damytuda Ò£ rekretsiyala -geografiyaly Ò› to a baala негіздері ҚазақÑтан respublikasyna Ò£ ltta Ò› akademiyasyna yly Ò£ Habarshy No. 3 2013-44 of Beth. (in Ñоавт.).