Turbekova Ryskul Saparaliyevna
Senior lecturer
The Department of Agriculture and Plant Growing
S.Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University
Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Senior lecturer
Research Interest
Vegetable open and protected ground, Storage and processing of fruits and vegetables
South-Kazakhstan shyғysy zhaғdayynda қyzanaқtyң keleshegі mole sorttarynyң өnіmdіlіg sapasy changed. Іzdenіster, nәtizheler, Kazakh ҰAU, ғylymi magazine Қosymsha №1 2014 319-322 BETTER. Қidarbek T Aitbaev T.
Effect of drugs from plant material on the activity of phytoalexins potatoes and carrots in storage // Vestinik agricultural science of Kazakhstan, SIC "Bastau", Almaty, 1999, â„–6, S.36-39.
Creation and research of herbal medicines for use in agriculture // Proceedings of the 7th International Scientific-Technical Conference "Non-traditional crop production, ecology and health", Ukraine, Simferopol, B.A.Iskakova M.S.Erzhanova JA Abilov, 1998, S.489