Tursinbaeva Anarkul Esalievna
Senior Lecturer
soil science and agrochemistry
S.Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University
Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Senior Lecturer
Research Interest
The study of soil fertility and fertilizer applications
Tursinbaeva A.E. "Changing the salt content of the soil when fertilizer clover." // Abstracts Republican scientific-practical conference "Actual problems of soil science (on the 50th anniversary of virgin and fallow land)." Institute of Soil Science named U.U. Uspanov, Almaty, 2004, P. 176-178.
Smagulov T.S., Tursinbaeva A.E. «Ðарық жағдайында кебірленген топыраққа тыңайтқыш қолданудың түйежоңышқа мен жүгері балауÑаÑының өнімділігіне Ó™Ñері». National Round Table on the topic «Ðарық, жер және ауыл». KazGosAgru, Almaty, 1998.
Tursinbaeva A.E., R. E. Eleshev "Influence of fertilizers on nutrient status of meadow-chestnut alkaline soil" // Journal of Agricultural Science of Kazakhstan. Almaty, 1996, p. 13-19.