
Physics Experts

Anthony Joseph

Department of Physics
Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology


Education and training Dates October 2011 to June 2015 Qualification anticipated Doctor of Science in Engineering Principal subjects Modeling rain, clouds and fog attenuation on navigation satellites’ signals, modeling tropospheric propagation delay on navigation satellites’ signals, application of numerical weather models for the estimation of troposphere delay, GNSS meteorology Title of thesis: Optimization of Tropospheric Delay Retrieval from Numerical Weather Prediction Models and Assimilation of Zenith Path Delays from Surrounding Reference Stations. Organisation Institute of Space Technology and Space Applications, Universität der Bundeswehr München Dates October 2008 to April 2010 Qualification awarded Master Level 2 (Satellites and Orbital Platforms) Principal subjects Satellite configuration, Space environment, Orbits and their properties, Space mission analysis, Space science, Spacecraft thermal design and control, Remote sensing, Ranging and communication techniques, Spacecraft propulsion, Space program and project management, Principles of radio navigation systems, Cost modeling, Attitude and orbital control.

Research Interest

Quantum Mechanics, Statistical Mechanics, Mathematical Physics, Solid-state Physics


  • Kiroe, A. J. (2008). Designing and implementing an automated light and time based control system for drapes and security lights. MSc thesis, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Kenya.

  • Diessongo, H., Bock, H., Junker, S., Schueler, T., Kiroe, A. Guenter, H. (2012). Exploiting the Galileo E5 Wideband Signal for Improved Single-frequency Precise Positioning, Inside GNSS, September/October 2012 issue, p. 64 -73.

  • Kiroe, A and S. Schueler. Evaluation of the Weighted Mean Temperature for Estimating GPS Precipitable Water Vapor over Kenya. Manuscript in review, Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology.

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